Brew #3 – Apple Cider

Brew #3 – Apple Cider

6/18/2011 – Brew Day
6 gallons of Central Market Organic Apple Juice (fresh pressed, pasteurized; Granny Smith, Golden Delicious, and Gala apples)

1 tsp cloves
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp nutmeg
1 Tbsp ginger
3 lbs sugar
1/4 tsp potassium metabisulfite (sanitizer)
1 tube White Labs English Cider Yeast (WLP775) liquid

Apple juice started at 1.054 gravity. Added 3 lbs of sugar to end up at 1.076 gravity (75 degrees).

7/1/2011 – Racked to secondary
Went smoothly. Put into a 5 gal carboy and a 1 gal jug. Gravity is now 0.996 (75 degrees). 10.5%

11/12/2011 – Created yeast starter for bottling
1 oz glucose
1 pint of water
White Labs English Cider yeast

Decided not to use the starter… didn’t seem to reproduce much anyway

Decided to wait for bottling to a later date.

06/27/2012 – Bottled 61 (gold caps on tall bottles)

Later indeed… try almost 8 months!!!

Added 4.5 oz of priming sugar to 6 gal.

F.G.: 0.992
11% ABV

This is a dry cider.  Stirred up a bit of yeast from the secondary before bottling in the hopes of ensuring successful bottle conditioning.  Before that the cider was clear as colored glass.

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