Brew #40 – Irish Red #5

Brew #40 – Irish Red #5

11/02/2012 – Created yeast starter

150 grams – Light DME
1.5 L – Water
1 tube – White Labs Irish Ale yeast (WLP-004)

11/04/2012 – Brew Day

David Holcomb and Geoff Hargraves assisted

3 lb – 2-Row malt
1 lb – Cara Munich malt
1 lb – Crystal 120L malt
2 lb – Munich malt
10 lb – Munich LME
3 oz – Hallertau hop pellets (60 min)
1 oz – Cascade hop pellets (15 min)
1 tsp – Yeast nutrient (15 min)
2 tsp – Irish moss (15 min)
1 oz – Cascade hop pellets (5 min)

Chilled with tap water (no pre-chiller) down to about 135F, then used a pump in an ice water bath to chill down to 70F.  The whole chilling process took 29 min for 9 gallons.

Strained wort through a funnel screen and topped up with spring water.  Shook to aerate and pitched approx half of the yeast starter in each carboy.  Set fermentation chamber to 68F.

– A: 1.050, 11.5% Brix
– B: 1.050, 11.7% Brix

11/11/2012 – Racked to secondary

11/25/2012 – Kegged

– A: 1.011, 6.8% Brix, 5.1% ABV
– B:  1.010, 6.7% Brix, 5.2% ABV

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